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How to explore the carnival market when investing in a company in Brazil

How to explore the carnival market when investing in a company in Brazil

The year 2023 could be the ideal time to do business in Brazil. The country is expanding its international trade relations and even promoting attractive events for investors who plan to open a company in Brazil. One example is Carnival, which transacts millions of dollars in the entertainment market. 

Although the carnival parties last for only 4 days, the period of preparation and organization of the event takes a whole year. Therefore, this points to a great opportunity to enter the segment and bill high with several business opportunities in Brazil. 

In this article, we are going to indicate some opportunities to do business in Brazil with the Carnival as the main character in your business strategy. 

6 Opportunities to take advantage of during the Carnival in Brazil 

The Carnival is certainly a high-demand event in Brazil. The estimation, according to the National Trade Confederation of Goods, Services, and Tourism (CNC), is that the event carries out transactions of around BRL 8.18 billion in revenues this year.

Therefore, it tends to be a superior result by 26.9% in comparison with the 2022 Carnival. In addition to boosting the tourism sector, mainly in the beach regions, the food and accessories/fashion segments also benefit from it all.

This way, pay special attention and create business investment strategies that optimize results. See some examples: 

Open a travel agency

After the pandemic, the tourism market warmed up again, becoming an attractive segment for investors in Brazil. According to data from the Ministry of Tourism, the Brazilian cities most sought by tourists in 2022 were São Paulo (SP), Gramado (RS), and Fortaleza (CE). 

It is worth remembering that there is a repressed demand made up of people who planned to travel and postponed their plans during the pandemic.  

Partnership with a travel agency

Another interesting opportunity to do business in Brazil is to sign partnerships with travel agencies for a cross-selling strategy. This happens, for example, in partnerships between agencies and inns or hotels. 

Many agencies foster partnerships with entertainment parks, water parks, and other entertainment hubs during Carnival. 

Sale of materials and accessories 

During the Carnival, Brazilian carnival-goers consume more fashion products and accessories to compose carnival costumes. There are highlights for the costumes, hair accessories, makeup, women’s costume jewelry, and other items. 

Food and beer market 

A study conducted by eCGlobal, a partner company of eCMetrics, highlights the beer market as the most interesting to foreign investors.

After all, about 48% of those interviewed confirmed the intention of greater beer consumption. Still following the study, among the most appreciated Brazilian beer brands are Skol, Itaipava, and Brahma. Meanwhile, there is a huge share of consumption of imported and home-brewed beers in the Brazilian market, allowing foreigners to have a huge opportunity to participate.

Private transportation

In Rio de Janeiro, where the largest Carnival parade in the world takes place, the large flow of people generates a real challenge in terms of transportation. One of the options to get to the Sambódromo are taxicabs, which are the means of transportation preferred by tourists. 

In that case, the transport of tourists in cars and vans is a business opportunity that can make investors a high revenue. The transport of visitors to tourist attractions has a huge demand, mainly because it offers convenience, comfort, and safety. 

It is worth remembering that tourism in Brazil also opens many doors to opportunities for mobility applications. 

Doing business in Brazil using Airbnb

Airbnb is a real estate rental platform that connects renters with prospective landlords. Considering that the Carnival is a period of intense flow in the hotel sector, private apartments become the tourists’ best option.

Therefore, the purchase of a real estate in Brazil and the seasonal rental during the Carnival becomes a profitable business and generates little work for landlords. The advantage is that the platform itself has cheaper daily rates than the hotels, in addition to promoting all the diffusion of the available properties. 

How to open a company in Brazil safely and quickly

Europartner is an accounting firm in Brazil that offers full advisory assistance in accounting services. Thus, investors can safely constitute companies and starting a business in brazil as a foreigner with a peace of mind, complying with all current laws and tax and legal regulations. 

Contact us and get to know the expertise of our team of professionals for conducting business in brazil!

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