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Employer of record service in Brazil

Employer of record Brazil

In 2020, you’re planning to develop your professional activity on the Brazilian territory. Soon, you’ll have to hire local employees, and you’re looking for a secured solution to limitate the costs associated with building a brand new entity on the spot.

Have you ever think of taking advantage of a Employer of record service in Brazil ?

Among our range of services, Europartner Brazil offers to our international clients a wage portage solution.

If you need to hire local resources in tight deadlines, without taking the risk of building a legal entity in the country, you should think of the Employer of record option.

You’d like to speak to our team quickly ? Don’t hesitate to contact us. With our Employer of record service, we offer you the possibility to manage the administrative & financial aspects, while you stay focus on the strategic side of your business.


Employer of record : what’s the principle ?

Wage portage is a solution you should consider, if you’ve planned to enter the brazilian market very quickly. 

Practically, an employer of record service is like a bridge between a company which is willing to expand its activity abroad, and local ressources who are looking for signing a new employment contract. The employer of record takes on the responsibility of traditional employment tasks and liabilities.

The wage portage service has many benefits, for the one who need to hire quickly new ressources, avoiding wasting both money and time.

Our employer of record based in Brazil handles all personnel functions, including:

  • Processing and funding payroll
  • Depositing and filing taxes
  • Handling unemployment
  • Handling workers’ compensation
  • Collecting and processing time sheets
  • Creating and maintaining employment contracts
  • Maintaining certificate of insurance
  • Offering and administering benefits
  • Terminating employees


Recruiting local resources while being compliant with Brazilian rules and laws

If you’re thinking of developing your activity in Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo or Fortaleza, you should already know that recruiting local resources cannot be improvised.

The Brazilian labor law is complex, and you’ll surely need to request professional insights before venturing into the recruitment process.

Our Employer of record service is a great opportunity for you to hire local resources, while avoiding all the administrative and financial aspects of the process. 

Our team has a strong expertise of the brazilian rules and laws, and offers you the possibility to focus on the business side, instead of wasting time on legal and paperwork questions.

In a few words, our Employer of record service is an economic solution for developing your business on the brazilian territory, in a short delay.

You got a question ? Need more information about our wage portage service based in Brazil ? Feel free to contact us. Our team is always happy to advice and support you in your business development.


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